
We're committed to loving the next generation of Seven Milers and leading them to Jesus.

We are a family oriented church and love children at Seven Mile Road, they are NOT a distraction. Children will participate in our worship portion of the service and be dismissed prior to the sermon. On the final Sunday of every month we host a Family Sunday where children ages 4-9 will join the entire worship/sermon.

Children ages 6 months through 3rd grade are cared for during the preaching portion of our service. We have 4 classrooms of gospel formation happening with background-checked volunteers teaching through the “The Gospel Story Bible” curriculum.

Parents are always welcome to keep their children of any age with them for the duration of the Sunday Gathering. We love kids and they are welcome here.


All of our classrooms are staffed by trained volunteers who serve on a rotating basis. All volunteers are background checked and go through a certification called Ministry Safe in order to ensure your child’s safety and protection. If you are interested in serving, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Alyssa Michaud.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these". Luke 18: 16-17