Join us Sundays at 10 am!
Coming together as the family of God is crucial for the Christian life. Having been formed by stories throughout the week that draw us away from the life and hope found in Jesus, we gather together and are re-storied by a liturgy that reminds us who we are in Christ, and equips us to be sent back out as God’s people working to see more people become disciples of Jesus.
Our Sunday gathering is simple and meaningful. We hear the Scriptures read. We sing in response to who God is and what He’s done. We confess our sins and are reminded of the rescue found in Jesus. We pray to a God who hears and cares. We listen to the teaching of God’s Word to inform and instruct our hearts. We respond by coming to the Lord’s Table (often called the Eucharist or Communion) to remember and celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice for us. And we receive a word of blessing as we are sent back into our towns and neighborhoods as the people of God on mission with God in the everyday stuff of life.
Our service typically runs from 10-11:15a.
We have a relaxed and casual atmosphere.
So come just as you are!
We love our children and believe they learn through watching and listening.
All children will join us for the worship portion and then be dismissed to age-appropriate classrooms during the preaching part of our liturgy.
On the last Sunday of each month children ages 4-9 will join us for Family Sunday!