Studies & Groups

Following Jesus together means we are committed to learning and living in community. So we have various groups that meet regularly throughout the month to talk, study, and pray together .

Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study

“The Acts of the Apostles”

Saturday Mornings 8 am at the church

Women’s Bible Study

Current Study: Esther

-Monday mornings (10am)

-Wednesday evenings (6:30pm)


These regular gatherings are the stuff of “Life Together.”

Monday Night Guys Group

We gather monthly (the final Monday of each month, 7:30pm) to eat and study together. Currently we’re completing the Practicing the Way course.

Young Family Gatherings

These are quarterly gatherings for our many young families to get together and have some fun!

Friday Moms Group

Every other Friday our moms are invited to gather at the church for a time to connect with other moms in the same season of life while the kids play.